Hello There. I'm Nursee Ratchet and I run this place. The Nutcracker Suites is a place for "rest and relaxation" for fellow webbies who have gone over the edge after dealing with the web.

There are times when some webbies don't realize that they have gone bonkers, and in that case, I send my faithful henchmen....errrrr...I mean assistants, Mortimer and Snerd to bring them here.

When you enter the Nutcracker Suites, you will be taken to the
BLUE DOOR.And once behind the BLUE DOOR, our friendly staff will see to all your needs (weather you like it or not).

So come on in, meet the staff and some of our long time residents and take a tour of the many rooms in the Nutcracker Suites.

A word of warning, once the
BLUE DOOR closes behind you, it locks....and I have the only set of keys......

You may be here for awhile...a long, long, long while.
(Gif of Maniacal laughter).

Now it's time to enter into the Nutcracker Suites....
if you dare....

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